Friday, October 28, 2011

Knife Skills

 Greta carved her own pumpkin again this year. She is holding her Cinderella pumpkin.
 Chompers is a very curious cat so he spent most of his time in the garage to stay out of trouble.
 Fieldin's pumpkin
 We only finished three tonight. I think Jeff is going to carve a Cougar one too.
Mine is the Scooby Doo one on the left and the Right one is Greta's Hello Kitty witch.


Sara said...

That girl has good knife skills! They all turned out cute. Can you imagine if Chompers actually crawled inside one of the pumpkins? That would be crazy!! Do you go trick or treating tonight or do you wait until Monday? It seems to be different everywhere I've lived.

Raylene said...

We go on monday night. We take them to downtown corvallis in the afternoon and then hit a few neighborhood houses. They are very excited!