Sunday, March 13, 2011

Watching Boxing As A Child Can Be Helpful..

or at least it was for us this week. Fieldin, while being in superman mode, was jumping off his bed and scratched up his chin pretty bad. I was doing the best mommy care I could when Jeff swooped in with petroleum jelly and smeared some on his bleeding chin. It stopped. Fieldin and I were both relieved and Fieldy tottered off. Jeff said " I guess watching boxing as a child was good for something" smirked and walked off himself. Crises resolved. Boys.....
Here is a glimpse into our last week.

Waking up to waves the middle of last week. Fieldy with his binoculars. He for some reason kept saying it was the "river".
He very much liked wearing this Daphne from Scooby Doo wig. He wore it while waiting for Gret's bus to come home and has been carrying it around..

At the ocean. Greta had the day off school. So we visited Jeff at the ocean while he was at a conference.
The Spring/ Summer To Do lists are up. Now we just need blue skies to do them:)

Greta the magician. She had a sign up for her "magician school" She loves magic and drawing. The littlest one has been very much into painting this week.
A little lollipop and a little attitude makes a good combination.

stairway to heaven?
dress up during a playdate

and this little man is changing so quickly.

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