Thursday, January 13, 2011

Around Here..and Some Exploration

We are over the excitement of the Tooth Fairy visit around here. Greta's 4 shiny quarters were burning a hole in her pocket so she bought herself a coloring book. She has another loose tooth so we may be getting another visit soon.
I will be taking a break from the blog for a few days. I am taking my first solo adventure in over 6 years. I need to remind myself I can still travel alone, which reminds me of my word this year..explore. I am very excited to visit a friend I have not seen in awhile and her adorable little boy. I am also hoping for a little sunshine along the way.
I will miss Jeff and the kids in a way I can't imagine but the break will be good for me.
I will be so lost without their talking and singing, being covered with stickiness, the smell of gross diapers, etc. I am afraid I am going to turn to a plane passenger behind me and ask"do you have everything?? check again!" out of habit. Or that I won't remember how to read a magazine in quietness. If any of you see a crazed woman running through the airport looking for her children..that will probably be me. A brief lapse of memory realizing I don't have children attached to me.
See ya in a few.


Sara said...

How exciting! I hope you have a fantastic time!

Cherisa said...

How fun! I could use one of those, too. I haven't been on a solo adventure since 2008! Enjoy it for all of us still covered in stickness at home! :)

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see you! Only three more hours until you get to rainy California!