Thursday, December 16, 2010

Holiday Art and My Letter To Santa....

The kids reindeer made of feet and hands.. Thank you Darcy for your fridge o' inspiration on this one.
Gret's pic of an angel, Jeff, Fieldin, me putting a hat on a snowman, grandma in heaven and Greta, all under falling snowflakes.

A Reindeer with lots of pink eye shadow and eyelashes that I have to say I am envious of...
Our house with pretty glitter.
and a very speAlign Leftcial Christmas card that I will cherish for ever.
Dear Santa,
It is time to send my yearly correspondence, asking for my fair share. Hmmm... what do I want? What do I need? Nothing really, just keep my family healthy and happy. My gift's come daily and are never wrapped. They are simple and not purchased. If I can ask for one gift for myself it is to help me remember the moments of this beautiful season of my life. A hug from Fieldin with his adorable smile and his little voice saying" I love you". Greta's hugs and thoughtfulness. I want to remember the sweet faces of my kids and how much I love my Jeff. Memories are a good gift along with a bag of strong coffee beans..and some peanut m&m's...
Thank you for the gift's Santa.
P.S. Tread lightly; Fieldy is still a light sleeper.

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