Wednesday, November 17, 2010

A Post Before 8 a.m.?

I am looking at the cuckoo and it is 7:40 a.m. and I have had breakfast. That means everyone got up way too early around here, especially since Gret doesn't have school today. On school days we all get up late and have 10 minutes to get to the bus. Makes sense? not at all.
I thought it was a good time to give updates on the munchkins. Here is what I know about Fieldin at age 2 yrs & 1 mth, Greta at 5 1/2 yrs ( what she's 5 1/2?? wait a minute...really?)
Miss Greta
Is over the moon happy that she has a loose tooth and tells everyone she passes (it is big time excitement for her..big time!), She likes to play great grandma's organ (insert loud noise..."mommy does this sound like jingle bells?"), Her universe revolves around riding the school bus, She is reading extremely well and we are all excited for her, she is starting to take over our computer and is more skilled than we are, she is very competitive at sports(where does she get that from..ahem) she still is always surrounded by books and her dumbo, she loves soccer( I say she is more ball than ballet), She is a great big sister except when she sends Fieldin on her mischief missions for her :), She loves anything crafty and is a wonderful little artist, she loves her scooter and playing outside with friends, She is very social, she has a wonderful imagination, she is a girly girl, she is a tomboy, she loves the ocean, She is obsessed with scooby doo and mysteries, she eats like a 15 year old boy(or maybe even more, where does it all go?), she likes getting mail, she loves stickers and flowers, she is a packrat, she is sweet and kind, she makes up fun songs for her brother in the car, she likes to shop( this she didn't get from me..), she loves fashion, she doesn't like to sweat(her own words), her favorite foods are ice cream and noodles, she loves bugs and snakes.
Loves Batman and his sister, he likes to drive Greta around on his motorcycle, he is silly(I soooo funny, he says), he is in the kitchen pantry 75% of his day and eats little bits of food constantly, he talks 24/7, he loves playdough, the organ, his toys, drawing, bob the builder, the cat in the hat, dogs, books, trucks, retro cars, the ocean & shopping, he loves picking out his own clothes and trying to dress himself, he is a hoot, he sings bob the builder, twinkle twinkle little star, mr. sandman and 15 songs about safety(from a cd) on his own..usually while riding in a shopping cart, he counts to 11 then claps for himself, he sings his abc's, he is a good helper, he has a HUGE sweet tooth, he still has the whitest hair and still likes the ladies, he loves playing with Greta and making messes, he loves holding hands and cuddles, he is independent, he has a hilarious laugh, he pretty much does everything on his own these days, he likes drawing circles and showing them off, he loves babies, when there is trouble he shakes his head, smiles and says"it wasn't meeee!", he loves the bat cube and says " I like!" while we drive, he asks constantly "Greta on bus and school?", "daddy at work?", he wears a backpack filled with a change of clothes, buddy and misc stuff(packed on his own) most places, he loves soccer but hates little movers class, he is a sprinter, he likes trains and watching sports on t.v.
I could keep writing forever on these two but this is just a glimpse of them....

1 comment:

Sara said...

I have to say, I think my favorite part is that she doesn't like to sweat! So cute and random!