Friday, June 25, 2010

Our Week In Pictures

Needless to say we are tired. Also add in a trip to the beach and aquarium, some shopping trips and little man speeding around on his motorcycle and this sums up much of the week. Summer is in full swing.....

Greta getting sprayed by moving dinosaurs at the zoo.
watching our butterflies emerge.

exploring a monastary

watching a gorgeous clock and getting some german sausage in Mt. Angel. The kids loved this!

Hiking to five falls.
Time for a nap. Have a great Friday everyone!

1 comment:

Cherisa said...

That monastery looks like one over on TV Highway in Beaverton near my parent's place. You thinking about bagging the mom gig and taking on a habit instead? :P

Looks busy! We'll be in Aloha from Aug 21st to the 31st. I'm sure we'll be making a trip out to the coast so maybe we can meet up!