Tuesday, June 1, 2010


You will be 20 months tomorrow little man. Here are some things I want to remember about you...
You climbed out of your seat at the table today on your own and said "I never done that before" and laughed.
You are starting to pick out your own clothes and pick up your dirty clothes off the floor and say"dirty" and put them in the hamper.
You love dancing, especially to the wiggles. You play chase every day and you get the cutest smile as you run after whomever will run with you. When you are running fast your arms swing side to side in front of you.
You do a little dance, wave your arms back and forth and have the silliest laugh when you are getting your snack or dinner.
You sing the abc song while you play in the smallest & sweetest voice.
When we are ready to run an errand or go play you yell "outside, shoes!" and run as fast as you can to find your shoes and mine.
You love to build legos and "tell" us stories.
You can say just about anything. You shock us sometimes, even Greta. She loves it when you say new words.
I love watching you and Greta interact. You guys are so cute together. You have your moments but you make a good team :)

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