Saturday, December 26, 2009

Look Out Boxes

Today I switched my lever to "hard core packing mode". I was a machine. I got a lot boxed, shoved in bins and bubble wrapped and now I am very tired. I haven't had much time to pack, just found time on the occasional evening after the kids go to bed. The problem is then I have to be quiet. I am not quiet nor is my earthquake roaring, village crumbling, high pitched sounding tape gun. It of course wakes the children, a sound like that would wake anything. For that reason, I have been packing mostly downstairs, out of ear shot.
Deconstructing our house hasn't been that bad. It is the garage I worry about. Things falling from shelves, shoes to trip over, things with wheels. I have to protect myself just going out there for boxes. The thought of packing it up is a bit unnerving. I have a little over a week to get it done...and I will. I will sway around the house wearing my masking tape bracelet and my sharpie pen broach and before I know it, it will all be done. Just an update my friends, I'll keep you posted.

1 comment:

Cherisa said...

Good for you! Packing is at the very top of my "I hate..." list. Nothing ever packs nicely into boxes in a way that they should all "belong" and it unnerves me to mix rooms or articles that don't co-habitate in their usuall resting spot. Unpacking is much more satisfying!

Good luck with it all! Will you have movers packing a truck for you???