Friday, July 24, 2009

Lucky Plant

This is my interesting little plant. I received a start from my neighbor a couple years ago. She had gotten the plant from a family member that lives somewhere in asia. This plant is hardy, and blooms only at night, so if you see it you're lucky. Even if you didn't see it, the fragance would wake one up out of a deep sleep. It is intoxicating and extremely stong. The fragrance takes over our home quickly and as lovely as the smell is, we end up moving the plant to the garage. By morning the huge bloom is done. Another cool thing, the plant blooms differently for each person. I researched on line to find out more about it and people have stories of it blooming yearly to every 4-40 years. My neighbor and I even have a difference in our bloom schedule. Mine has bloomed for me twice and the first bloom was 10 months ago right before Fieldin was born and then again last night. We had been watching the bloom grow, which it has quickly over the last few days. It looks like a cross between a prehistoric plant/Little shoppe of Horrors plant. The waxy leaves start turning red before a long bloom begins and then within hours this magnificent bloom appears. This was waiting for me when I got home from a late showing of Harry Potter last night. The fragrance hit me the second I opened the front door. Does it bring me luck? I don't know, but I do think I am lucky.


Randi said...

Yours is the second night-blooming cereus that I've seen pictures of this week! And I haven't seen one "for real" in many years. I have fond memories of being woken up in the middle of the night by my mother when I was a kid to see and smell her night-blooming cereus. Her next door neighbor had one, too, and they would go to see each other's plants late at night. It was a remarkable plant. And so fleeting.

Laurie Hickey said...

That's a cool plant!!