Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Fieldin At Almost 10 mths

9 mths lil' pudger
Originally uploaded by inthewheatfields

Oh my! I can't believe the lil' pudger is almost 10 mths. So here is what the little man is doing these days:

He is the best little dancer I think I have ever seen ( the minute he hears music he shakes his head side to side and flails his arms while moving his leg) The boy loves to dance. He likes being dressed as a superhero, He loves being with his sister, His favorite sport is tub splashing, He is trying to stand, He loves Mum Mum crackers (it is one of his first words. I hear this often "mama, mum mum") He loves to eat, Nothing is safe around him, nothing..., he is starting to say more words (when he starts talking I am sure he will never stop. He already "talks" ALL day we just have no clue what he is saying most of the time.), He likes a good game of peek- a-boo, His favorite song is still itsy bitsy spider, He is fearless like big sister, He has the funniest laugh and such a cute smile, He is VERY tall for his age like Miss Greta, He still has only two teeth, He is destructive, He makes us laugh, He is determined to take down his saftey gate, he loves tearing paper (His superhero name should be The Shredder) He could swing for hours, He gives slimey kissies, He sleeps less than his sister but you would never guess it, He is too smart for our own good, He's not a book lover like his sister, he likes singing better. He looks so much like my dad (He shares his same smile, expressions, wavy hair and facial features, Jeff and I both think Fieldin is very lucky for this). We call him "mini grandpa". We adore you Fieldin. Two more months buddy, until you are one-derful!!

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