Friday, June 19, 2009

The Kids This Week...

Here are a few things I am enjoying about the kids this week..

That after moving Fieldin to the center of the car right up next to Greta while travelling a week ago, Greta has decided she wants Fieldin to stay where he is. They sit next to each other and giggle, hold hands, rough house. All this isn't distracting until I hear things like"Mommy, I think Fieldin scraped his eyeball"...

Greta pushing the Kid cart at our favorite grocery store. Acting all grown up while she "shops". My favorite is when I am examining a label and I see Greta move sale signs in front of her favorite goodies and say " Look, mommy, these are on sale!" and she throws it in the cart. If only things worked that way, there would be a sale on cookies every day :)

The pathway of destruction through our living room. You can see Fieldins' bottom scooting trail with toys and chaos on either side. You know the little fellows been there.

Watching the two of them splash water at each other in the bathtub and their hysterical laughs that follow. There is splashing, shoving, water pouring over the is quite a sight.

Greta wanting her hair cut like mine and Greta making the front page of the newspaper for the second time. She was tap dancing and she is so proud...

Fieldin throwing smashed peas on the floor and the mischievous toothy smile he gives me before he makes a BIG mess.

You two are so wonderful.

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