Sunday, May 17, 2009

Our Week In Photos

Still in a vacation state of mind so I will let the pictures do most of the talking.
Beach Treasures. We could start our own shell shop Thanks to Miss Greta, treasure Hunter.
Greta and Ramona Quimby. I have always loved Ramona and looking at the two of them here they are quite similar. Always sporting a rain slicker and rain boots and FULL of life. Love it!

Greta loves butterflies and carries a butterfly net almost everywhere even in winter but we didn't know she could catch them bare handed. While taking a rest in a matter of minutes she caught two blue butterflies with just her pincher fingers. It was amazing to watch. She has a karate kid type zenness to her. Was it good for the butterflies, probably not but I am still in awe.

Hiking among the wildflowers.

Our beach babes. They love beaches. It is a requirement in this family.
The rest of the trip was filled with Fieldin trying to eat sand, sand fun, lots of walks, and greta fun. Now I need to vacuum 2 lbs of sand out of the car :)


Cherisa said...

Only you would wear flip flops, sweats, and a scarf to hike up hills! : )

Where did you go on the coast? The Massachusetts coastline is warmer than Washington's but I don't think it's half as pretty as what we have in the Northwest!

Looks like you had a lot of fun!

Raylene said...

Hiking boots slow you down :)

I agree. MA is amazing but can't beat the OR coast. I love Cape Cod though...