Monday, April 20, 2009

4 Going On 15

With Tinkerbell cake.
Miss Greta had a great Birthday despite being under the weather. She woke up and decided she wanted to be dressed like a princess. We got into party gear and had a very nice day. My girl is now 4. I still can't believe it. She is very mature for her age and this conversation confirmed it even more.
Me: "So, how do you like being four? "
Greta: "Good. I want to be fifteen. "
Me: *Gulp* "Why????"
Greta: "So I can drive a car." (She REALLY wants to drive and has been a pretty good back seat driver since 1 1/2.)
Me: *Gulp,Gulp*
I didn't have the heart to tell her she had to wait til sixteen.

1 comment:

Cherisa said...

Looks like Miss Greta's day turned out ok! And she can start driving at 15 1/2! So only 11 1/2 years to go before you really start going grey! : )