Monday, February 23, 2009

She's got "The Bug"

There is a horrible virus floating around our area knocking out young children like a bully playing dodgeball. Unfortunately, Miss Greta got hit. I don't know why people choose to give virus' such horrific names but we've been calling this one "The Bug" so we don't terrify poor Miss Greta. This is the first time in almost 4 years that I have seen her "sick". We are on day three now and if I wasn't nurse mommy I would be running for the hills with my bottle of purell. Every man/woman/child for themselves. The youngest decided since he doesn't have big sister to play with, he might as well grow more teeth in the meantime. Our days have been full of Orajel, kleenex, popsicles and an ongoing "Hello Kitty" movie marathon. I have to say between illness, teething and "Hello Kitty", I would pick the first two. My posts will probably be sparse this week but by request from grandma & grandpa I will load a video of Fieldin eating. It may not be Oscar worthy but cute nontheless. Time for my dose of vitamin C... stay healthy everyone and if you see "The Bug" flying your like the wind!

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