Sunday, January 25, 2009

The Girls Got Skills

So Greta went bowling for the first time today. Now, you must know that no first experience is ever quite normal for Miss Greta. Which is why nothing phases her. This may be because her mommy and daddy are a bit crazy and excitable, but mostly because Miss Greta has luck on her side. She started her bowling experience like this. Watching her first lone gutter ball make it's way down the lane and she ended it like this.

This is Greta with some new friends. She didn't have boring ol' mommy and daddy showing her to bowl, oh no, she had extremely nice kids from the WSU girls crew team and guys from the WSU mens baseball team showing her to bowl with Butch the Cougar cheering her on. It was fun. Lots of fun. WSU college kids are awesome, and yes, I am partial. Two hours later, Greta came home smiling ear to ear wearing 3 medals (a medal for each spare) and with autographs from the the whole womans crew team and half the mens baseball team. When we asked what her favorite part about bowling was she said"bowling with butch"."What about bowling with me?" asked daddy. "You were o.k." she said. It's alright Miss Greta. How can we compete. You'll realize how awesome we are someday...Sorry to tell you your next time bowling may be a bit of a let down after this. Oh and Fieldin, you ask? He slept, but did get a silent hand bump from Butch. Sorry buddy. No bowling for you. Better luck next time.

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