Thursday, January 22, 2009

The Caffeine Killed It

My apologies for being so quiet this week. All four of us have changed our schedules in some shape or form the last few days so we are working out the kinks. So far no one has been late, lost or left behind so I would say we are doing pretty well. Greta is still enjoying pre-school. She comes home daily covered in pounds of sand from head to toe. I am wondering if there is a sand oasis hiding behind the pre-school building because I am sure no sand box could hold the amount of sand she brings home each day. I honestly think she skips pre-school and heads to the river and lounges at the beach. Especially since when we ask her what she did at preschool she says "Nothing, just played in the sand".
I also have some sobering news to share this morning. I am in mourning. Our coffee maker died this A.M. without any warning or signs of illness. We tried resuscitating it by plugging poor Mr. Coffee into different outlets. Nothing brought him back. I am taking my moment of silence now....

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