Sunday, December 28, 2008

What Happened to Little Greta?

my little lady, originally uploaded by inthewheatfields.

So today was one of those days when I look down at Miss Greta and realize that she has turned into the most amazing young lady. Here are just a few things that I love about Greta right now at 3 1/2:

She is so nice to her little brother(except when he drools on her), I love watching her draw and write, she comes up with the greatest stories about anything from lightbulbs to flowerpots, her lyrics to the tunes of age old Christmas songs can't be beat, she is a better baker than me, she loves skirts and rain boots even more than her momma, she has good manners, She critiques my hair...wait, I don't love that, She is my buddy, she laughs at my jokes (knock knock-who's there? Water. Water who? Water you doing? yes I know, she puts up with alot), She loves playing with cars while wearing a tiara and last but not least ,I love that she's my Greta.

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