Tuesday, July 22, 2014

A Very Blue Lake

We are National Park type of people. 
Jeff and I always say we should have been Forest Rangers. 
We took the kids to Crater Lake last week and I hope someday they will take their kids. It is such a beautiful place. Greta and her super brain reminded us very often that it is an active volcano, we reassured her that it wouldn't blow the day we were there. She was our guide telling us about rocks and trees and taking photographs. Maybe she will be the Ranger one day. 
 Despite the elevation of between 7,000-8,000 feet (we are sea level type of people) Fieldin was running up to viewpoints while the three of us gasped for air. 
 The kids and Crater Lake. I want a picture just like this years from now when they are grown to compare. 
 It was hot there. Very hot. 

 but so amazing...Phantom ship above and the pinnacles below

 Fieldin loves us photographing his big teeth, which is just one big marshmallow but he finds this hilarious.. 
 In true Greta form she got a guidebook on flowers and the kids named the plants they could find. 
 studying her book. 
 Walking through wildflowers
 So very blue and peaceful.. for now. Remember it is active. Greta has it ingrained in my brain :) 
 You think we would have tired them out. They were up reading until pretty late that night. They didn't even notice when I took the picture. 
 A picture for me and a silly picture for Fieldin. That is the new photography rule these days. 

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