Friday, May 29, 2009

He Was Confined, So I Was Able To Tape Him

Edit***Today, June 1st. Another new bottom tooth. That is two in one week! He loves getting his teeth brushed and crunching crackers. Way to go buddy.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Fieldin At Almost 8 mths

7 mths
Originally uploaded by inthewheatfields

Has a new tooth as of Memorial Day.
Is a dancin' Fool. (he shakes his head and his arms and torso groove)
Has alot of white white hair.(I had to break out the baby brush today)
Loves playing outside in his playpen but HATES playing in it inside.
Makes the ladies swoon.
Yells "Greta" if he can't find her.
Just introduced a new hilarious laugh two days ago.
Won't let me tape him laughing, dancing, singing or saying Greta. He is so on to me.....
Loves being called Lil'pudger by Greta.She is still his favorite. Always.
Loves to swing as much as Miss Greta.
Thinks making farting noises is funny.
Loves to roughhouse with sister and daddy.
Loves watching the garage door open and close and tries to hit the button to open it while being carted by his mommy taxi.
Is too smart for his own his sister. :)
Makes us all laugh all day.
Loves being outside. Loves sports. Loves music. Loves anything that bangs.
We love you lil' pudger. Tomorrow you will go on your maiden voyage.

We are still enjoying this great weather only being inside to eat, sleep and take quick baths. Our backyard is in bloom in purple, pink and white. Greta spends her days swinging, blowing bubbles, casting with her fishing pole and playing lawn games. I hope this weather stays around.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Pre-Summer Means

Hiking, warm weather and cool breezes, longer days and forgotten bedtimes.

Eating al fresco(why does everything taste better when cooked outdoors?)

The return of flip-flops, sandals and best of all, bare feet in the grass

Not needing jackets.
Nights of play, smores and more play. Smores with friends,like tonight, is best. The more ooey gooey fingers the better.

Painting and hobbies move outside.
Balls, bats, hula hoop and bubble wands strewn on the lawn.
The smell of charcoal grills.
Swinging til' dusk.
Summer is on its way.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Happy Memorial Day

Where's Mine
Originally uploaded by inthewheatfields

Our Saturday was spent putting 2 coats of fresh paint on the front door(it needed a change), putting together a backyard shed, Three hours of yard work, household chores, swinging, board games and lots of fruit salad. No matter how busy we get there is always time for an ice cream break. Jeff and I are beat. I think we will be hiding our To Do's and take a day to play...That is, if we can get out of bed tomorrow. I wish you all a relaxing weekend!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Lentil Cookies Version 1.0

Lentil Cookies Version 1.0
Originally uploaded by inthewheatfields

First off, thank you to the brave souls at City Hall and to Sara and Rebecca for being taste testers. They were actually good. The only problem is there was no hint of lentil. I spruced them up a little too well. I have some ideas for a drastically new version and hoping to try it this weekend. There is still two more months til' Lentil Festival time. If I can't perfect by recipe by then, I'll have to wait until next year. Wish me luck!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

It Won't Kale You

So in my ongoing experimentation with Kale, I think I hit a jackpot today.

Trim & cut up kale
Toss together olive oil, white wine vinegar, stone ground mustard and then top with dried cranberries.
If anyone has any good kale recipes pass them on!

My other experimentation today.....LENTIL COOKIES. Yes, really. I am getting the puree done as I type. I'll let you know. If you live local I may use you as a tester. Fair warning! Except for Keri :) They have wheat so you're safe!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Snippets of Conversation

Here are a couple of my favorites from today...

On The Way To Preschool:
Greta: "The ocean had NO manners."
Me: "I thought the ocean was quite nice. What did it do?"
Greta: " It splashed us. That's bad manners"

While Discussing If Hello Kitty Is Old Enough To Drive:
Greta: "I'll drive one day"
Me: "Are you going to be a good driver like mommy?" (No laughing out there)
Greta:"Yes, I'm going to drive away from the police"

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Our Week In Photos

Still in a vacation state of mind so I will let the pictures do most of the talking.
Beach Treasures. We could start our own shell shop Thanks to Miss Greta, treasure Hunter.
Greta and Ramona Quimby. I have always loved Ramona and looking at the two of them here they are quite similar. Always sporting a rain slicker and rain boots and FULL of life. Love it!

Greta loves butterflies and carries a butterfly net almost everywhere even in winter but we didn't know she could catch them bare handed. While taking a rest in a matter of minutes she caught two blue butterflies with just her pincher fingers. It was amazing to watch. She has a karate kid type zenness to her. Was it good for the butterflies, probably not but I am still in awe.

Hiking among the wildflowers.

Our beach babes. They love beaches. It is a requirement in this family.
The rest of the trip was filled with Fieldin trying to eat sand, sand fun, lots of walks, and greta fun. Now I need to vacuum 2 lbs of sand out of the car :)

Thursday, May 14, 2009

He's Chatty

As of late, Fieldin has been extra chatty. For awhile he has been saying mama, dada, hi and Greta(This he says the clearest and loudest of course!) but he has been a little extra chatty today. He has been imitating Greta a bit and saying "Beep Beep" along with her while watching Thomas the Train. This morning he said the best of all "Good Greta" in his little deep voice. Actually it is more like "Ggggggg..oood. GRETA!" Very cute.
The last week away from home has given Greta and Fieldin a good chance to bond even more. They play, laugh, try to sing together and play roadtrip catch in the back seat with a big soft ball. I am sure more Greta words will follow but now he can call after his best friend. She is now trying to teach him her middle name.....

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Fieldin at 7 months

7 mths
Originally uploaded by inthewheatfields

Is missing his chin. We think it was eaten by his second or third chin., Has lots of white hair, Poops everytime he plays in his exersaucer (note to self: stop putting him in there:)), Loves drinking from his cup, Feeds himself teething biscuits, Doesn't like being left alone unless he is sitting in Greta's room, LOVES to play with toys, Acts shy around Greta's Shamu puppet, Sits for a very long time and rarely falls over(If he does,boy does he cry), Doesn't sleep more than 20 minutes during the day (no joke! He is happy and full of energy without it. I still need one:)), Has the best smile EVER!, Gets lots of attention from the ladies, Doesn't want to miss ANYTHING, Likes watching fish, Loves being outside more than inside, Has a quirky, funny personality already, likes to get messy and is now 7 months. He is growing so fast!