Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter!

Easter Blessings!

Hope you all had a wonderful Easter!

waiting "patiently" for bunny cake after eating dinner. Greta ate so much ham, I have no idea where she found room for cake.. Making very early morning pancakes. You can't tell by the picture but our house was extremely dark when we awoke this morning. We were up before the birds...

Morning kissies.. Fieldin drug down all his sleeping buddies(that's stitch laying there) half asleep. Greta yelled in his room the Easter bunny had come and he woke up yelling"ok!!!" jumped out of bed but was stopped by the safety gate on his door. Poor little fellow cried after Greta til we ran quickly to free him.

One bunny....

Two bunnies...

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Sunny Saturday And A Bunny

Drawing an "Easter Egg"
mowing with daddy

Greta and the beautiful Easter Lily she won. She was so excited!

Goin' through the carwash...the carwash yeah! Very exciting to them.

And the two with "the" bunny. They are very excited he is coming to our house tonight.

Sand, Sun And A Easter Egg Hunt

He did pretty good finding eggs.
After egg hunt was were off hunting for sand dollars.

She loves this. It was important that she found more than Fieldin...

The race begins

Egg Hunt 2011. Greta 6yrs Fieldy 2 1/2 yrs

Being cheeky

Me and my babes and the two little ones with eggs. It was a good time.


Coloring eggs is always fun. This was Fieldin's first year to really enjoy it. He was a natural and didn't need any help. He'd drop an egg in a color bath and a second later say "more". He said" this is fun mama, I like this" Well of course what's not to like. Greta's favorite part is decorating eggs with stickers more than the coloring. Now I just need to figure out what to do with the eggs. I made the kids egg salad sandwiches. Fieldin said" this smells like chicken butt" and it was all over.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Stomping Through Tulips

Let's be honest.. with a 6 year old and a 2 1/2 year old. Tip-toeing through tulips would be impossible.

Here is our annual trip 45 minutes North to the Woodburn Tulip Festival. Greta really wanted to go on her birthday, and we were lucky enough to get sunshine!

Taken by Greta
I realize looking at this, that she will be driving in less than 10 years..*gasp* if there was a heavy compartment of metal around the drivers seat and an extra safety harness, I believe we may have found her first car.. No worries about a genetic lead foot in this slow beast.

On Greta's 6th bday..and Fieldin now 2 1/2

A perfect chance for fieldy to show off his silly face.

Any question whether this sign was posted for him? don't think so...

A beautiful day here today. Weeds were pulled, more plants were bought..bad me!, and lots of playtime outdoors.

Monday, April 18, 2011

One Last Birthday Tune From Little Brother To His Best Friend

He was a little absorbed in the Stanley Cup Playoffs while he sang this...

Miss Greta had a wonderful Birthday. Thank you everyone. She has very special people in her life.. a lucky girl!

Happy Birthday from Fieldy at 2 1/2 yrs.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

6 Years Old

Miss Greta is turning 6 years old tomorrow.

Greta 2 mths Originally uploaded by inthewheatfields
Six years later... She is an excellent reader and still loves her books.. She is a good kid. Sweet, nice, kind to others..the real deal. She is beautiful inside and out. She loves the outdoors and loves a good adventure. She is creative. She is expressive and excitable. She loves all things girly. She is one of a kind. She is everything I thought she would be that first time I held her in my arms...and so much more. We love you Greta! Happy Birthday Sweetheart....cha cha cha. .

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

A Harmonica, Wee Beasties and Birthday Preparation

We are still slowly emerging back to health around here.

I had a spurt of energy last night and decided it was time for "Operation Disenfect Wee Beasties". My Mission was to take them out in a blaze of bleach. No mercy. No wee beasties left behind to inhabit my nasal passage once again. Jeff was at City Council, the kids in bed so I went to work in the kitchen and bathrooms... then I ran out of steam and took a rest on the sofa. The rest of the cleaning will have to wait til today..don't try to hide beasties. I will find you..

Life is getting back to normal though. I was awoken this morning by pudge who was playing his "harmoneeeeca" in my ear. When I woke up he said" Mama up! yay I did it" clap clap..then he shuffled off in his old man jammies, his harmonica and a play laptop dragging behind. I love that boy. He makes me laugh all day. Such a special little pudge.

Miss Greta turns 6 years old next Monday. Which means talk of Birthday plans is in the air. She is having a split bday party with a classmate this weekend and then will bring cookies to class on Monday. She asked if Fieldin could come on Monday to help hand out cookies since her classmates think he's funny. Only rule is he can't eat all the cookies.. good luck with that.

Gret is becoming an amazing reader, I am baffled by what she can read and sound out. Jeff and I used to spell things out as secret parent code but we can't anymore, she knows what we are saying. "B-E-A-C-H... beach! Fieldin we are going to the beach quick get dressed... " or "R-E-S-T..No! I'm not taking a nap!" I think it is time Jeff and I try a little pig latin. I am so proud of Miss Greta, she has that endearing missing tooth grin, beautiful eyes that have turned the color of sea foam, she is sweet, a bit sensitive, so excitable, eager to learn. I love watching her and hearing her sing her "songs".

So with the negative of sickness, there is always a positive... which are, we have had time to slow down a bit. Hotel B is temporarely closed, we have started a little Easter decorating, I have been beat at Uno a bunch of times by card shark Greta, we have played scooby doo games, I've ignored chores and watched the bluebirds inhabit our bird boxes. I realize I like this pace of life. Slow, comfortable and relaxing. I guess the wee beasties were good for something...but now it's time for them to go.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Pics Of The Last Week Or So

The house is still full of sickness.

Lots of tea, rest, kleenex and hopes of summer air.

We escape if the weather is good and we are up to a little adventure then return home for more medicine and downtime.

Hope all of you are enjoying the arrival of spring.

On a marshland hike near our home. All the hanging moss takes me back to Savannah, GA.... Enjoying the early tulips.
Pinata...nuff said.
Searching for treasures with friends
Hanging on the river walk and a beautiful day...

I haven't posted any pics of us blowing our noses and running around in our pj's for your benefit but that really is what much of our life looks like at the moment.:)

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Where Have We Been? Part II

I am starting to sound a bit like a broken record these days..

We enjoyed having guests at Hotel B recently and currently we are under the weather once again.

Poor Greta has her first ear infection right now and is not happy about it one bit, and I don't blame her.

March Madness is over but has been replaced with sounds of Chicago Cubs baseball.

Fieldin is healthy but is testing our limits like any two year old should.

Jeff is busy with work and a little business travel

and me.. well I am waiting for this cold to pass so I can go outside and play.:)