Thursday, December 20, 2018

Tis' The Season Of Music

 We had Greta's school holiday concert, her piano recital (above with the wonderful Miss Elaine) and yesterday her and some bandmates gave some holiday cheer at the carousal playing holiday songs for a couple hours, even playing while riding the carousel. 

I think she is ready to catch up on some rest this holiday break 

Big Robot

 The boys team was invited to meet with the high school team in our area that went to worlds last year. They got to see all parts of production, meet the team and take in the robot. 
 Fieldin has no fear asking questions and chiming in. He is excited to join when he gets to high school, he says. He wants to work on the computer design of the robot, he really enjoyed that. 

Kitty Still For Hire

 **Updated Skills** knitting micro manager and quality control 
Sofa security or a cute statue. Does not blink or move unless a vacuum or UPS truck is in the vicinity. 
Payment required is still food and 2 hours (atleast) of playtime each day. 

Monday, December 17, 2018

Robotics For Me And The Youngest

NASA(Nerds Are Super Awesome) is going to state. I mentor these guys so that is why I have more pics than of Greta's team, I rarely see her at competitions. 
 Setting up in the pit area bright and early at OSU. 

 Waiting quietly to go in and present in front of the judges. They do three separate presentations in front of judges on core values, robot design and their project presentation 
 Checking out the competition downstairs on the robot  table 
Salavat and Fieldin on our first robot mission run 

 practicing in between presentations on fine tuning the robot
 These boys got one of the 4 golden tickets! AND won the trophy for best robot design. 

 Fieldin and Henry with the robot trophy 
 It's our tradition to get frozen yogurt after 
 They love Greta so she came along too, It is amazing to think that all the kids in this picture, built a robot that could complete missions, solved a problem through research that could improve our world. Were judged by professionals in the fields of robotics and aeronautics and they are all 13 years  and under. They did this without adult help. 
Now on to state!!!!! 

Robotics For The Eldest

 This girl is going to the state championship for the 2nd year in a row and her little bro will be going for his first time. 

 She changed teams this year and was not sure how they would do but she worked hard on the presentation and it earned them a pass to State. It was a long busy day with lots of teams and the top 4 teams move on. 

Structurally Not Safe

 I finally marked making gingerbread houses from scratch off my list. It is alot of work but very fun. I spent the day baking and constructing before our decorating party. I love the tiny little houses the best. 

 I decorated some small houses. Pictures of my friends and Jeff's houses are missing.. hmmm 
 This little guy really got into decorating as well as a friend of mine. Fieldin is already planning his house for next year. 
 Here is Fieldin's with a Santa on top. 
 And Greta's. She overloaded the the roof and it caved in so she made it a hobo abandoned house.. she put scarves and warm clothes on her gingerbread men as well as made a fire for them.....

It's Beginning To Look A Bit Like Christmas

 The army of nutcrackers is protecting the advent tree 
 The Christmas village is lit 
 Santa's clothes up are hung to dry and there are land mines of legos dragged downstairs by the tree
We are getting a bit closer... 

Cat For Hire

 Cat for hire: Great help with gift wrapping. Is easily distracted by hummingbirds. 
 Will sit in boxes you need and not budge. 
Is ready to attack paper and string at any time. 
Please pay with food and treats. 


As usual, we woke up bright and early on Thanksgiving morning for the annual Turkey Trot in Wenatchee

 Then we come back and make a family meal 

 Greta made the centerpieces and we got to see a bit of snow and even take a walk in the fluffy stuff

 We set up dads tree and for a couple days it was protected heavily by this lil' man