Friday, July 15, 2011

The Babbitt Cat

Chompers is 2 1/2 mths and been with us a few days and is already part of our family. Chompers has a WSU vet, a WSU blanket and WSU parents so I guess Chompers is a cougar...
These two have a special bond. They are play buddies. Chompers like to hangout on Greta's bed and falls asleep when she reads him stories. He loves her room. It is the only room he visits upstairs. He likes the first level of the house where all his stuff is. He is so quiet, playful and picked a perfect family match Chompers, after all you picked us..
Fieldy told Chompers he needed to" go outside and check on his roses" (you can see him in the distance) so his buddy waited for him. He smelled his roses and came in to tell Chompers" roses smell good, they are all ok."
The Babbitt cat is a lounging cat... He sleeps everywhere but this is his favorite spot.
We adore you chompers. The kids bought you a skull and crossbones collar because you are "ferocious". You look pretty dangerous...

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