Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Kinder Reader

So, for the third day, I attempted to get a video of Sweet Greta Reading.
Something always happens and I can't get decent footage. Today it was Fieldin. He was climbing all over me shoving his little yappy play dog in my face "for kisses". I didn't want to distract Greta while she read to me, so I gave up on video or pics.
I am so proud of her! She has only been in school for 2 1/2 mths and she is reading so well. Along with her school work I sometimes slide old school Dick and Jane into her reading time. Today she read and read. So future Miss Greta, here is a passage from Dick and Jane that you read to me today, without any help. I am not sure if I was even reading this much by the end of first grade.
Baby Sally said, "Oh Mother. Sally is big. Sally wants to work.
Sally wants to help."
Mother said, "Run, Sally. Run to the car. Run to the car and help me. Big, Big
Sally can help me".
Jane said, "Oh, Father. Mother can jump. Mother can play."
"oh,oh," said baby Sally.
"Mother can jump and play. Oh,oh. Mother is funny".
I always said, if you were ever a "thing", you would be a book. So happy you get to explore your beloved books in a whole new way. Gold star sweetheart.

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